Little Known Facts About Fat | Diet and Exercise | Real Life Fitness | PhitZone

Little Known Facts About Fat

Fatty Facts

Photo: NPatterson CC-By-2.0

Have you ever heard or thought that if you eat fat, you will get fat? I have to tell you, you aren’t alone. I used to be the same way. I still have this thought sitting in the back of my subconscious.

It is very important to remember to eat a well balanced diet, as even if you eat more protein than needed, your body will turn it to fat. Yes, even if you eat more fat than your body needs, it will be turned to fat. If you eat more saturated fat than recommended, your body will store it as fat. So, yes, and no, eating fat will make you fat.

Just as you have different types of carbohydrates, complex and simple, there are different types of fat. You have saturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, monounsaturated fat, omega-3 fat, and trans fat. They all come from different sources, and have different effects on the body.

Saturated fat comes from all animal meats, butter, cheese, chocolate, coconut, cocoa butter, coconut oil, cream, hydrogenated oils, lard, palm oil, stick margarine, shortening, whole milk, and ice cream. Saturated fats effect on blood lipids increases total cholesterol, and increases LDL-cholesterol.

Polyunsaturated fat comes from almonds, corn oil, filberts, fish, liquid/soft margarine, mayonnaise, pecans, safflower oil, sesame oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, and walnuts. If these are used to replace saturated fat in the diet, polyunsaturated fat may decrease total cholesterol, decrease LDL-cholesterol, and decrease HDL-cholesterol.

Monounsaturated fats derive from almonds, avocados, canola oil, cashews, olive oil, olives, peanut butter, peanut oil, peanuts, and poultry. When used to replace saturated fat in the diet, monounsaturated fat may decrease total cholesterol, decrease LDL-cholesterol without decreasing HDL-cholesterol.

Omega 3 fat comes from canola and soybean oils, flaxseed, oily coldwater fish (such as salmon, mackeral, and tuna), shellfish, soy foods, walnuts, and wheat germ. If you use Omega 3 fats to replace saturated fat in the diet, omega 3 fat may decrease total cholesterol, decrease LDL-cholesterol, increase HDL-cholesterol, and decrease triglycerides.

Trans fat are found in margarine, cake, cookies, doughnuts, crackers, chips, meat and dairy products, hydrogenated peanut butter, shortening, and many fast foods. Trans fat increases total cholesterol, and increases LDL-cholesterol, which is why it is considered one of the worst fats you can consume.

Something to consider when eating fats, the more unsaturated a fat, the more liquid it is at room temperature. The more polyunsaturated the fat is, the sooner it melts. Another interesting tid-bit of info, the omega 6 fatty acids have their end-most double bonds after the sixth carbon in the chain; the omega 3 acids, after the third.

I hope this helps you in your search for which oils/fats you are needing in your diet.

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3 Responses to “Little Known Facts About Fat”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Todd Boyer, AndroidRick. AndroidRick said: RT @PhitZone: Cool new blog post: Little Known Facts About Fat […]

  2. Greg says:

    I like the inclusion of coconut oil with saturated fats. Its not uncommon for partially hydrogenated oils to be replaced with plant based saturated oils to impart the same properties, but then using the ‘all natural’ label.

  3. Todd says:

    Exactly. We just have to keep in mind that even though the coconut oil is natural, it’s still a saturated fat, and should limit it’s use.

    Plus, it smells so good… it just doesn’t taste good. haha

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